Monday, March 6, 2017

FOCUS! (I can't)

Focusing can be very difficult sometimes, especially with next week being spring break and with all of the mounds of work and exams that need to get done before we get there. Trying to stay focused while keeping our heads down and plowing through this next week has never been so difficult. This semester has been one of the most stressful ones I have ever experienced, and I am sure it will not be any easier when we return from break.

Going through this week now has made me wonder about my future in any workplace. I wonder how I will be able to stay focused when, or if, I become a professional in the healthcare sector. There are so many questions heading forward, now more than ever with the current administration, and I am sure by the time I become a professional it will not have fully recovered from the next 4 to 8 years... Other than just those obvious questions coming from the upcoming change, I wonder a lot how I will react in pressing situations, or where there is a conflict that I need to address.

I know that my personality will play a part in those situations, such as being empathetic and conscientious. But how I view my actions and how others do are inevitably different, and I wonder how my actions will be perceived by the people around me and how that will affect my professional career. I'll see in the future, I suppose.

*This post really has no direction but is just showing what I have on my mind about my future, again, proving that my ability to focus is slowly disappearing.*

1 comment:

  1. I relate to this so deeply, definitely one of my weaknesses. I hate how its always the week before break that is so packed between two midterms a problem set and a 12 page paper I am trying to sit down and get everything done and am definitely struggling.
