This is a really cool graphic my mentor sent me about goal setting. The one that I think is most important would be "attainable". We always need to remember to that we can make multiple goals to achieve a larger goal. We don't need to tackle the entire larger goal all at once, as it can be much more fulfilling to attain smaller goals that lead to the large goal.
In terms of specificity, sometimes being too specific can cause a narrow mind and you may block out some ideas that may have help you in the long run to attain your goal. You definitely don't want to think too broadly though because you can easily get lost and lose the motivation to keep working toward the goal.
It must be measurable so that you can track your progress while you work toward the goal. This is also to reduce repetition in your methods so you don't overwork an idea. Relevance is another factor that needs to be considered because you need to set your goals with an end in sight. The goal needs to be realistic. The goal must also be time bound. You need to set up boundaries for yourself, like deadlines and to keep yourself on track. If no deadlines are set, it is possible that the goal will be forgotten altogether and you will never achieve it.
I think that this graphic is a great stepping stone while trying to set goals. Remembering these things while goal setting can make achieving the goal so much easier.
Kelly mentioned she had shared this with you. This is a good guide to think about. There are different camps on this, as you might imagine. Google, for example, sets some unattainable goals for its employees, with the idea that if you can attain all of your goals in a rating period, then you are not setting your goals high enough. Sometimes these are called "stretch goals".