Sunday, May 7, 2017

Remembering What's Actually Important in Life

As I end my junior year of college while working three jobs and making as much money as I can in order to pay for my internship and car insurance in order to safely travel to and from my internship and other jobs, I've been thinking a lot about why it is we do what we do and why money is so 'valuable'.

Sometimes all I think about when I work is what money I am earning or saving by working in that moment. It almost makes life seem as though it's all going so quickly... I'm doing this job so that I can make this money so that I can buy or do this thing, but for what? For higher social status? For finding happiness? For saving all of the funds to travel? Sure, but when are you going to take advantage of all of that when all you do is constantly work your whole life away?

I'm terrified that one day I will be 70 years old and will have wasted all of the years in the prime of my life working so that I could do the things I wanted to do during that time, but it just got away from me because I was so focused on making money. U.S. currency isn't even backed by any gold!!! It's essentially worthless, but some many people treat it like it's the only thing that matters! That's insanity!!!!!!!!!

I really appreciate when my mind decides to go on sprees of thinking this way, where I question the nature of my reality and the social constructs that confine our ways of thinking. It brings a much needed change in perspective and helps me to really appreciate all of the little, and big, things that I am so fortunate to have. For example, flowers in a garden or a forest full of trees and wildlife are such beautiful and real things, and so many people don't recognize and appreciate their importance. The relationships we have with our families and friends... How do so many not find all the happiness they need in those relationships? Sure, traveling is amazing and I would love to go everywhere too, but I wouldn't want to go alone. I'd want to have my closest friends and family members with me so that we can enjoy it together. That is half the joy of traveling, just spending time exploring and discovering things with the people you love most.

I just think we all take so much for granted all of the time and don't stop to appreciate all that we are fortunate to have in our lives often enough. So I advise you to take time to think about all of the non-monetary things that make you the happiest and let those things fill you up with all the happiness you can't and won't ever find in money. ☺

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